What is Twin Peaks?

Twin Peaks, much like our wonderful little family, started off very differently from what it is now. We moved in to our Kobble Creek location back in 2010. Then it was simply our lovely new home. 

Then we got given our first four legged friend. ‘Hercules’ the goat, then came two more, ‘Patchy’ and ‘Bianca’… then chickens and ducks and alpacas, a beautiful Toy Cavoodle named Tommy and… well you get the idea…

We still like to call it a “Hobby Farm’ as then it sounds like its something we look after a few hours a week… the reality is maybe more than a few… but we really do LOVE IT!

The Eclectic Mix

There is no one fixed purpose for the farm, we have alpacas of course and we are selling their beautiful fleeces and are always learning about new ways to improve the quality. we only have girls at the minute but  we aim to start a breeding program by 2021 so watch this space.

Our goat herds, as we are currently growing two separate herds, are going well and just like with the alpacas, the learning curve is exciting and we are very nearly ready to share our creations with the world.

Our son is launching a range of plants that he as grown from cuttings and these will be available in the next couple of months… 

As you can see there is a lot happening and Bee’s are the next addition to the farm, at this stage at least!

Why are we here!

Difficult to say who is exactly to blame for this idea, but I will default and blame the kids… (the human ones, not the goats) 

In all seriousness though, we are really doing most of the animal adventures for the kids. we were always going to have animals but when you see how much your kids are learning from them and loving them , we just wanted to take things to the next level. 

Turning the property into a working one, albeit on a small scale is something that I have enjoyed and still love and to be able to get our kids involved as well is an absolute bonus.



We love to have a chat about our wonderful property, so would encourage you to send us an email if you have any questions and we would be happy to reply.

Alternatively you could be really old fashioned and pick up the phone for a chat! – We love old fashioned!